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Malaria tigers are growing fearless beasts

The youngsters of the critically endangered subspecies, the Malay tiger, who was born in early October last year, are thriving and growing.

Tiger twins, though they look cute, are no pets! During their games, they begin to appear as ravenous fighters. They often play together or with their eleven-year-old mother Banya. Fun games begin to take on stunning, so there is no doubt that both youngsters will be able to grow strong.

Kittens are constantly improving their motor skills and they can do more than last week. Male Bulan has recently learned to climb the resting palace in the exposition, Wanita, for the time being, this performance has failed.

Force gains tigers of meat, they are able to eat the whole chicken for sitting. It is no wonder, therefore, that the young grow as if they were from the water.

Source: tz Zoo Praha
Photo by Petr Hamernik, Prague Zoo

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