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Weakness, skin problems or hair loss ... You may miss your zinc

The lack of zinc in the body is rare in our country. That's why we often do not even think about this difficulty. This situation may occur in patients with non-specific intestinal inflammation. How do we know that zinc is missing?

Every organism needs vitamins and minerals for proper functioning. Their lack of balanced and hearty eating is usually not a problem - unless, of course, we suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. Impaired absorption and diarrhea, often followed by diet, can lead to a lack of important nutrients. Among other things, zinc.

Body in discomfort

Signs of zinc deficiency may be inconspicuous and relatively non-specific - that is, they can be attributed to a number of other causes. Is part of them:
slow healing,
white fingers on the nails,
Hair Loss,
problems with vision, smell and taste,
rashes and skin inflammation.

In people with Crohn's disease, it was found that in the absence of zinc their disease is worse and more serious. Probably it is related to its important role in the healing process and immune processes. The supply of this mineral could also be used in the treatment.

Confirmation from the lab

If a doctor suspects a lack of zinc, he can check his blood test level. Even in people with non-specific intestinal inflammations who have frequent diarrhea, zinc deficiency is quite rare. Therefore testing is not too common. However, it is good to forget the zinc and measure its level after excluding the other causes of the problem. Lack of this mineral can also be a random finding. Whether your difficulties were really caused by the absence of zinc will surely be verified only when the difficulty of replenishing the level is receding.

Easily available resources

A diet rich in zinc may, but may not be enough to increase its level. Consuming several foods charged with this mineral, however, you will certainly not spoil anything. Zinc is a very common element, containing, for example, the following foods:
dark meat (pork, beef, lamb),
the intestines (liver, heart),
seafood (crab, shrimp, clam),
whole grains, cereals,
root vegetables,

In addition to a good diet, it is also good to use the zinc diet supplement. You can choose yourself at the pharmacy, but it is better to get in touch with your doctor first. He recommends dosing and, in some cases, may prescribe even stronger medications. The rule also remains that nothing will resolve nutritional deficits associated with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis rather than consistent treatment and management of intestinal inflammation.

Source: Intestinal inflammation

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