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Vitamin D as a possible cancer prevention?

Experts have found that the incidence of certain cancers is lower among residents of the southern countries compared to citizens of the northern states. In the south, people receive more sunlight, their skin will therefore form more vitamin D could therefore sufficient intake of this substance may mean protection from malignancy?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble prohormone. It is therefore a substance with mild hormonal activity that metabolism in the organism to be amended působek hormonal nature. "Deck" has a body vital role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, that in the formation of bone and tooth enamel. Its deficiency causes rickets in children (rickets) and adult osteomalacia (demineralization of the bones due to vitamin D deficiency). Besides effects on bone system but also considering its role in other processes in the organism, including those affecting the change of tumor cells.

Researches promising but inconclusive

In studies on mice it was shown that vitamin D might prevent the development of cancer, or at least slow. What scientists found in experiments? vitamin D
promoted the maturation of cells,
inhibited growth and stimulated demise of cancerous cells,
inhibited the formation of new blood vessels supplying tumors.

However, whether these results will be applied in humans remains an issue. Some studies suggest that it might be the case, a different point to the fact that vitamin D and cancer unrelated. Definitive answer on whether the supply of "Deck" really plays a role in preventing and slowing the development of cancer therefore likely to get up during the following years.

All too bad

Vitamin D does have undoubtedly a large number of positive effects, but when excessive intake (mostly in the form of various food supplements) and threatening side effects. Due to its role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the blood begins to rise inter alia calcium levels. This excess element is then in the form of crystals deposited in soft tissues of the organism (e.g. in the kidneys or lungs). The highest safe daily dose of vitamin D for adults and children 8 years and 100 mcg per day (ie. Approximately 4000 IU per day).

Source: Treatment

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