Substances contained in fish flesh are hard to find in other foods, and these ingredients help protect the brain against aging and the diseases that accompany it.
It turns out that people who regularly consume fish, literally getting younger. Their brain functions and memory is just like in humans, four years younger, who fish just neholdují. Ten-year research scientists from the University of Pittsburgh in 2014 showed that people who ate fish at least once a week meat had a greater volume of gray matter in areas associated with memory and cognitive functions.
With consumption of fish we accept many saturated fatty acids, which helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. At the same time the fish found substantial amounts of selenium, which us from this disease may also protect, additionally improves the structure of the brain. Vocational studies show that regular consumption of fish also helps against dementia. Fish meal acts on the brain directly beneficial. Very high content of omega-3 fatty acids have as tuna. Fresh fish, prepare a steak in a frying pan needs to be processed quickly, so that the meat from drying out. .
Alzheimer's disease erupts in 20-40% of persons over 85 years. But also affects many younger people. Against the disease works best with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, in particular docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which reduces the risk of onset of Alzheimer's disease by 39% compared to people who have a level of acid in the blood low. The same substance can reduce the likelihood of developing dementia by up to 47%. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most beneficial substances contained in fish.
Prevent Depression fish diet
Fish consumption is also associated with the prevention of depression. This disease affects approximately 121 million people worldwide. People consuming fish and other seafood are about seventeen percent lower risk of developing, than people who eat little fish, or completely reject. Results of studies have also shown that the risk of developing depression is different male and female body. In men, while consumption of fish reduces risk by a fifth, for women it is 16%. Further study shows that eikosapentaneová acid (EPA), which is contained in the omega-3 fatty acids has certain persons similar effects as antidepressants. Fish flesh literally acts as a cure. Depression is among the people-eating fish regularly less frequent, as evidenced by the Inuit tribe, who lives in Greenland and eat mainly fish. These people have a minimal incidence of depression.
Source: tz Nordsee, editorially modified