Shinda became pregnant several times in the past, but repeatedly miscarried, and due to irregular cycles had been deployed hormonal contraceptive therapy. Nowadays, nobody believed that they still end up being twenty-four female offspring. Unexpected delivery was without problems - the mother and the baby are doing well, and so it was already open to visitors pavilion gorillas.
"I can not imagine what they might surprise me more. Not only did we not know about Shindině pregnancy, but mainly we eventually gave up hope that he could still have a baby. It not only looks, but actually it is perfectly fine. I do not want to jinx it, but it seems that here and there is really a miracle can happen, "said Prague Zoo director Miroslav Bobek.
On Saturday morning around 8 hours burst Shinde water and breeders David Vala and Gabriela Kopecká started watching her labor contractions. Other members of the gorilla troop had always been with her. Females stood close by, was interested in her and sniffed it. Also cubs whole event closely watched. Only male Richard had free rein of the event and kept aloof.
At 24:48 Shinda gave birth to her first cub.
"Immediately after birth, the baby began to exemplary care - cleanse them and himself, and although it is her first child, she acted like an experienced mother," says curator Vit Lukas. Moments after Shinde breeders offered the usual water and food - fruits and vegetables - and a new mother ate a full bowl.
"When feeding Shinda showed masterfully, as if he had been aware of his new privileges. A year ago had lost the leading position among females, but with a baby with her position in the group is likely to increase again, "describes the importance of newborn baby top breeder David Vala.
Subsequently, gorillas have access to the exhibition, which was first released just Shinda with young gorillas and the others followed her. Shinda behaves expertly and in other care of his child, holding him properly, and sometimes with him and gently swaying. Also cub is doing to farmers happy.
Shinda (* June 14, 1991)
Female Shinda was born in the zoo Apenheul in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Prague Zoo arrived on September 5 2001. The inability to reproduce has been attributed to a hormonal contraceptive that she was implanted under the skin that is not pregnant with her father, with whom she lived as a youngster in Australia. Previously, it was a courageous female leaders, but about a year ago about his position came. This also contributed to several miscarriages, which Shinda had to undergo. April 23, 2016 has finally got their first child.
Source: tz Prague Zoo
Photo to tz: Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo