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Trendy and environmentally. Spice up your interior in harmony with nature

Sunny, summer days are still attracted to the frequent stay outside, they can also be an inspiration to beautify the house or apartment. Even in the area of ​​home accessories and decorations more and more people thinking about ecology. Therefore, it is no longer unusual equipment from discarded pallets bed, nightstand from cardboard or colored clock from parts of old computers.

The summer months are attracted not only to reconstruction but also to design changes in the household, which often include painting and acquisition of new furniture including decorations. Production, packaging and transportation of goods from great distances, there is often a huge consumption of raw materials and water, while the release of emissions into the air. It is today remembered more and more people, and therefore increasingly buying stylish furniture and items that are organic, original and not burden nature. "Being environmentally conscious is today trends, while there is no need to give stylishness and aesthetic experience. Therefore, year-on-year increase in demand for residential accessories made ​​of recycled e-waste, "says David Chytil, project coordinator Trash Made under which created home accessories and lamps made ​​of materials discarded appliances.

Furniture from waste or cardboard

Recycled furniture arises in the hands of creative designers from the Czech Republic but also from abroad. Dutch manufacturers, for example, a few years ago came to the furniture market for the production served agricultural waste, textiles and remnants of the luxury car equipment. These waste materials are nadrtily and then stuck together using a special resin into shapes of simple plates, with which then designers worked like any other the furniture material. Thanks to this novel originated tables and footstools. Favourite for the production of the original furniture is also common corrugated cardboard, from which can be produced chairs, tables, as well as storage space.

Cardboard has several advantages - low weight, high load capacity and especially environmental friendliness, since the end of life, it can be easily composted. Increasingly popular are then in Czech households called europalety where you can use your own imagination and easily assemble furniture from them. For palettes can fold bed, sofa, large coffee table or even a set of garden furniture.

Home accessories from Electro

Another material from which you can create interesting fashion and home accessories are recycled components from electrical and electronic equipment. Rainbow hours of computer hard disks of colored wires or electronics, decorative bowls of covers desktop or lamps from discarded sheets of LCD monitors are further evidence that the recovery may not be a dull affair. Interior Accessories Trash Made is not only supported the idea of ​​ecological behavior, but they contain also a social aspect, because their production is clients of sheltered workshops.

Source: tz, editorially modified

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