The production follows the last moments of Karel Čapek's life , which has to fight with the cowardice, malice and hatred of a nation he loved so much and for whom he has done so much. "The longer time we spend with Čapek, the more we get under the skin, sometimes I see an actor who reads Čapek's correspondence," says director and co-author of the production Pavel Khek. And he adds, "Every visitor will be able to perceive the Capper differently, depending on who taught him at school. However, the views of all sides can not be shown on the space of a two-hour production, even if we are trying to be faithful in the time, and only slightly to think, so of course it is our interpretation. "
In the title role, you will see Jiri Han , Josef Kopek's brother Josef Kačmarčík . In the following roles will be presented by Máša Málková, Stanislava Jachnická, Viktor Dvořák, Jitka Smutná, Hana Doulová, Jan Vlasák, Petr Tenorová, Aleš Bílík, Michael Vykus, Petr Klimeš and Jan Řezníček .
Věra Mašková, Pavel Khek: Čapek
Premieres on June 3 and 5, 2017 at the Rokoko Theater
Source: tz, edited editorially