Livestock grazing is one of the basic ways of managing steppe reservations. Plate Plate Table Mountains have been mined for many years with machine cuts that take away biomass as well as pasture, but in a number of conservation considerations, it is significantly different from pasture.
Grazing particularly heavy animals such as cattle and horses give rise to a plumbed area without vegetation. Such habitat is vital for many species of insects (such as beetle beetles, grasshoppers, solitary bees and waxes, butterflies) and hardened soil is also necessary for the local rarity, the deep earthworm Allolobophora hrabei, the longest earthworm of the Czech Republic, 5 m.
While repeated mowing rather thickens and unites lawns, the grazing environment differs on the contrary, allowing the coexistence of species linked to different habitats. Also, for this reason, grazing (or mowing) does not take place on the whole surface, a substantial part of the top platform is left without intervention. On the denser and growing vegetation, another local exceptionally rare species is dependent, the Hungarian ground beetle, which, like the earthworm with so many different demands, has one of the last localities in the Czech Republic on Table Mountain.