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Sono Center is close to the start

A music club, as well as hotel and restaurant located in Sono Center, opened its doors to the public for the first time on the 25th April performances at Goldfish. Initial warm-up event will be the first test events operation of this ambitious club. Duo from South Africa floods the room influx of electronic music and the concert will be a great opening party and an endurance test.

Sono Centrum in Brno can be found on the street Veveří inside the brand new striking modern buildings. This building includes a hotel, restaurant, and especially music club for more than a thousand visitors. Excellent sound music club, the famous recording studio Sono .

Since the beginning of the operation and throughout May and June will be a number of concerts of all genres. They are ready concerts that gradually introduces Sono Center for all ages. Brothers will be touring ebony (5.22) and the great bluesman Slovak Peter Lipa (14.05) with his band. Songs that you know not only on the radio, play Mannfred Man's Earth (5.11) band or famous Duke Ellington Orchestra (4.27), for the younger crowd ready to party with the band NOHA (5.8). or just start a club with GoldFish (4.25). Předprázdninový program examines how music club, as well as other areas, before demanding a fully packed autumn program.

Quality equipment club, restaurant and hotel, modern design of the building as well as a range of services predetermine the club high ambitions. A Sono Center wants these ambitions during 2014 to fulfill to become a major cultural point of not only the city of Brno.

The closest program Sono Center:

25.4. Opening Party - Goldfish (JAR)
27.4. Duke Ellington Orchestra (USA) (Organized by Brnokoncert)
30.4. Bohuslav Martinů - Isaiah's Prophecy, Field Mass, Mount of Three Lights (organized Slavic chamber ensemble)
2.5. The official opening night (closed society)
8.5. NOHA (Germany)
11.5. Manfred Mann's Earth Band (GB)
14.5. Peter Lipa Band (SK)
22.5. Eben Brothers (Organized by Brnokoncert)
30.5. Helena Vondrackova (Organized by Brnokoncert)
5.6 Jaromír Hnilička - Jazz Mass / charity concert
12.6. Theatre: Crazy Pete, Jean-Luc Godard, starring Vojtěch Dyk and Tatiana Vilhelmová, directed by Peter Serge Butko (Organized by Bujo Art Production)
18.6. Hradišťan - launch of new album

In the autumn you can enjoy the Kronos Quartet, King's Singers (GB), Take 6 (USA), Dan Barta, Lenka Dusilová, Lenka Filipova, Incognito (GB), Yamato (J), OPSO a number of other

Source: tz

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