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Mekong took the initiative

Elephant bull Mekong, which until recently presage Prague elephant more or less cold, changed after the arrival of its competitor Ankhora their behavior. Successfully mated Donna and maybe even Janita.

Mekong in August this year was the only male of the group. Over the lifetime fathered only one chick and even with Prague females, in this respect, was not successful. In doing so right now they are in a group of three females of reproductive age. Therefore, the Prague Zoo has decided to replace the Mekong proven Ankhorem. He is in his 31 year old father has 11 offspring.

The August arrival Ankhora but was apparently trigger a change in behavior Mekongově. "It is not common that the zoo had two adult male elephant at once. For us, it's a new experience that brings a number of interesting observations, "says George Javůrek, chief keeper of elephants." Elephants are highly social animals and you can never be sure what their relationship may cause the effect. "

Mekong in Prague for now remains, but the decision by the European coordinator conservation program (EEP) in the future move to another zoo. It seemed to him until succeed in Prague conceive baby or not remains to be seen; but this would be extremely welcome.

Source: tz Zoo Praha
Photo: J. Simek, P. Hamerník

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