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Life exkuřáka: what to do instead of smoking?

If you have successfully included in the group of former smokers often feel definitely taste "light up". This habit is not only causes physical, but also psychological dependence. The urge is strong, especially in situations in which you were previously accustomed to reaching for tobacco - for example, while waiting for the bus or on lunch break ..

Here are a few tips on how to employ brain cells, so eager for a forbidden ritual .

Deviation from business as usual

Daily routine smoker contains several windows when he finds time for his favorite vice. With throwing last cigarette , these moments become suffering. Therefore change your daily routine and try these "blanks" button. How?
Fan printing or reach for a book.
Calm down music.
Employ brain crossword or sudoku.
"Drive" news on the Internet.
Call a friend.

When you change, so proper!

If you stop smoking , you save by not only your body but also your wallet. In the first steps to a life without cigarettes is very important for you to feel good. Reward yourself why ušetřenými money - for inspiration, here are some tips:
Change visage visiting hairdresser, replacement wardrobe.
Decorate your home - try to paint or buy home accessories.
Head out for fun, be with friends to the movies, out to dinner or a massage.
Našetřete on a dream holiday.

Employ your mind and body

Physical activity is good for relaxation and recreation. Work your hands (or feet) will also force stop thinking about cigarettes. What to choose?
Any sport.
Hobby group - pottery, painting, music, etc.
Nature walks.
Cultivating households.

As you can see, there are plenty of spare habits that will help you on the way to a healthier and happier life. It's up to you how to grab your chance and that the smoke really stand out.

Source: Quitting kouření.cz

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