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When larvae treated

This method of therapy has been known since the days of Napoleon, when the larvae used in the treatment of war wounds of soldiers. In the 20th years conducted the first scientific studies and then the method was widely used for nearly two decades. Until the onset of penicillin at 40 it's pushed into the background - but not quite.

Simple principle

Larvae eating the remains of dead tissue in non-healing defects - a method for someone maybe hard to swallow, but it's very effective.
In professional circles for this treatment uses the term larvoterapie. It is a process where small white larvae feed on dead tissue, the wound clean and expediting the healing still healthy and vital tissues. Treatment is with bzučivky green larvae (Lucilia sericata). They are grown in strictly sterile laboratory environment, where they are sent to various hospitals.

The course of the smooth and efficient

In the first stage of the process are the larvae applied to non-healing wound and covered with a sterile dressing. During this time they eat dead tissue - purify it. They also provide removal of bacteria retain intact living tissue and producing special substances which accelerate cell regeneration and healing. After a few days the whole process repeats. During several sessions will complete removal of dead tissue and subsequent medical care to definitive healing. Each application lasts approximately 10 minutes (2 times a week). In comparison with the classical method of removing dead tissue using a scalpel (40 minutes, 3 times a week) So this treatment can save time and money.

When thinking about larvoterapii

These are mainly cases where a patient suffers long and nehojícími the skin or muscle defects. If these problems could lead to amputation of the limb, it is time to start thinking about treating larvae. To name a few examples:
ulcers on the leg during venous insufficiency,
ulcers associated with diabetes (diabetic foot),
non-healing traumatic / postoperative wounds.

Source: Healing

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