Week: 28. 5. 2018 - 3. 6. 2018
Aries (21.3.-20.4.)
Dear Lambs, now hold on to the busy system and do not deviate from the conventions. The environment has no sense of novelty, it does not even suggest it. Meanwhile. In the material sphere, you should hold back definitely. Any initiative is just an unnecessary waste of energy. Even here all the time .. Enjoy privacy. Here you should be surrounded by love in all possible forms. So do not think about what can not be changed, take in full sips what it offers itself.
Taurus (21.4.-20.5.)
Dear Bulls, what happened has happened. You're going on. Definitely the biggest mistake would be to mourn over yesterday. Engage the brain threads and think about what you can build a future. Getting on the right path will not be so difficult. In the material field, you have to deal with an obstacle that is insurmountable for others, but it is not worth stopping for you. There are things you can handle brilliantly "from the fast". Yeah, who knows, he can .. Be patient in the privacy of the first place. Be puzzled and get yours done ..
Gemini (21.5.-21.6.)
Dear Gemini, you do not have any very good prospects. You can be extremely exhausted. Eliminate essential things from malicherties. It is a necessity; in the context of maintaining mental health .. Attention to defamation in work and financial matters. Someone envies your position. Think of your own, but do not make any move with anyone. Add oil to the fire? And what to do .. ;-) At home you definitely stand up to the present truth. You think you run away from her, but the opposite is true. Go to the opposite side because she wants to help you. Really help ..
Cancer (22.6.-22.7.)
Dear Racecourse, think that you do not have anyone and let anything spoil your mood. This is the best defense against the scarfs. Even if something fails, another ten things can do. And that's important! .. Losses in the material area are threatened, but on the other hand - eliminating everything: keep your things more careful than ever. And the tongue too .. At home there will be no unexpected. Things go somewhat in a logical direction. You only need to know that you are moving in a better direction. Even slower than you would often like ..
Lev (23.7-23.8.)
Dear Lioness, you are better than others. But remember one: who wants power, he has nothing at all! Do not want everything all at once. Now. And now. Why? Life is long, and things have to spread out well. Tangible and intangible .. ;-) A new impulse should come to work or finance, an idea that does not go away! Even if she looked a little unreal at first. Everything is possible if you want. Now, no, yes, yeah .. Celebrate with loved ones. In other words, get in touch with friends, family. Strengthen relationships because it's a good time.
Virgo (24.8.-23.9.)
Dear Dolls, these days you should realize that every loss brings with it a profit. And conversely. If you say goodbye, then you will get something new soon. If you realize this natural cycle, then it's only good for you. The material sphere shows the need to think of the next steps alone. You do not have to let anyone and anything affect you, just to go for your own thought. Personal situation does not help if you are still turning to the past. Do you want to catch the yesterday's wind? Do not be foolish! Tomorrow carries a much more interesting and appealing situation - when you open the door. A heart ..
Libra (24.9.-23.10.)
Dear Libra, you will not be overjoyed by the turn of the months, though ... If you can take a bad experience with someone as a good experience for your other things, then you do not have to worry about anyone ;-) At work, look mainly ahead. If something fails, then the remedy is still open. Nothing is lost until you start to act like a lost person yourself .. In privacy, get rid of everything that poisons, harasses or hinders you in the spurt. Stop hesitating, now is the time of the act! Do not miss the chance to blow out even inside yourself. On some things life is really short! ..
Scorpio (24.10.-22.11.)
Dear Scorpions, be careful not to suffer any illusion. You risk harming yourself or someone else. Be more legs on the ground and the wall. In the material sphere, you do not have to hold on to the wall, here you are going to get away more and take everything with greater insight. If it's not about life, then you're stressed out unnecessarily .. But in private, be careful not to condemn someone for something that is completely different! Here you can be influenced by illusion - the lack of information distorts. Do not worry about hurried judgments.
Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)
Dear Sagittarius, you should be able to do everything you can reach. And what a little mess, you do it okay. Do not worry about your language at all. You have a tendency to reluctant behavior under the influence of disturbed emotions. It does not matter if they are positive or somebody gets mixed up. Check it out, act diplomatically and gracefully. You can do it, so show it. In the personal area, go to whatever you want. Nothing is forbidden, you can try anything. I tobogan .. ;-)
Capricorn (22.12.-20.1.)
Dear Capricorn, joy is everywhere around you, and if something happens, then thanks to you. The inconsistencies seem to be just a misunderstanding. Do not overdo it with activity, especially when you want to show off somebody. Control your emotions and your ego .. In privacy you can get under the influence of some deception. Do not believe everything that looks like the most ideal option. The way someone presents you is not nearly as straightforward and as simple as presented. It's a little bit about the saying, "It's not gold everything that glitters." Do not go blind ..
Aquarius (21.1.-19.2.)
Dear Aquarius, except for the little inconvenience that comes as a lesson, you should enjoy a very peaceful and cheerful week. Material matters should bring you a lot of joy. If something was wrong, then just because you did not understand. Everything explains, the air is clean .. You will be happy to bring yourself to privacy If you are invited to a party, do not hesitate. If there's no such thing in the neighborhood, it's up to you. In short, look for a family and friends company, and a reason to celebrate. Currently, a good mood is conditioned by a team spirit. Do not sit alone at home. How blumy .. ;-)
Fish (20.2.-20.3.)
Dear Pisces, so much inner strength and courage? Where does it take you? Your self-confidence turns out to be healthy and greatly strengthened. He is quite indifferent to what is the cause, especially that it works. You will need self-confidence and courage. At work you definitely have to keep your "passions" at bay. Show that you can wait! Nothing is so hot that it has to be solved in these days. Rather, you would break things apart before they solved. In private, the time is right for you to look courageously forward. Do not repeat your patterns of past behavior that you know did not lead to lasting comfort. Prove yourself that you are instructed. And the surroundings will stare .. ;-)
Famous words to think:
"Reason and heart are like an hourglass. Where one fills, the other is emptied .. " (EM Remarque)