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Wages no longer important. Requested benefit of working from home and digital meal vouchers

Wages no longer important. Requested benefit of working from home and digital meal vouchers All sorts of benefits begin play in the pay of employees increasingly important role. For example, one third of the employees, according to statistics, companies in the field of human resources would prefer more vacation before increasing wages by 10%. Desired are becoming less used earlier benefits such as the ability to work from home.

Employee benefits are becoming very important argument in the search for high-quality professionals. The labor market is starting to be for qualified employees is greater demand and that non-monetary benefits companies have their search easier. Offer attractive benefits to wages is in fact ultimately cheaper than overpay experts employed elsewhere. A key benefit begins to be especially flexible working hours and work from home. The same time, according to statistics portal career significantly missing about a fifth of employees and 15% of them would like to see it more than any wage increase.

"People want more freedom at the time and place of work. It is this freedom is currently one of the most attractive benefits. At least the possibility of occasional teleworking offered by employers in 7.7% of newly vacant posts. Own the organization of working time then actually make it possible for almost 13% of new positions, "said Tom Ervin Dombrovský, an analyst portal" The standard is now also extra week of vacation, Czechs, however, no longer suffice. More than two weeks off in addition would be very happy to give 40% of people. While one third would be more appreciated than increase wages by 10%, "he added Dombrovský.

Among the classic employee benefits include vouchers. According to experts from recruitment agencies is the most common benefit that has many people take for granted. The form of vouchers and vouchers for other services but begins to change dramatically. "The future of the vouchers is clearly digitization. Food vouchers are beginning to replace the prepaid cards that make it easier for employers to pay and simplify them related agenda, "describes the developments in this area Kusý Paul, Chief Marketing Officer of Edenred, which operates a system of prepaid cards stravenkových.

Employees are usually able to adjust the structure of their benefits in digital form to suit your preferences via specialized Internet portals. This is used mainly large companies, which digitization and digital management of employee benefits significantly simplifies administration. "We use enterprise-wide web portal with the latest information and various specialized microsite. For staff who work do not use a personal computer, are available IT kiosks, "says Jana benefits such as managing Bahníková of the communications department at Škoda Auto.

Very desirable, but many workers still remains an unattainable benefit budget for personal growth and education. "According to our statistics would be within the further education benefits and perfected more than 17% of employees. The budget for personal growth but employers offer only about 3% of positions, "adds other possibilities benefits Tomas Ervin Dombrovský. A classic addition to wages is also a company car. "The car for private purposes is, together with the thirteenth salary, longer holidays and meal vouchers for two years, benefit the most popular," said Jitka Součková, the marketing manager of recruitment agency Grafton Recruitment.

The growing importance of non-monetary remuneration reflects the current situation on the labor market - especially larger companies demand for quality employees. Number of seats increased by 25%, while the response of applicants, on the contrary decreased by a fifth. According to Thomas Ervin Dombrovského of the portal market severely lacking free people with the necessary skills and experience. Firms therefore often have to target employees who are already working for someone else, but the overpayment is too expensive. Benefits mostly because of the possibility of finding quality personnel decisions.

Source: tz, editorially modified

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