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This year's Czech Hero Ride starts on the first weekend in May

At the beginning of May, the organizers will launch a series of spring races vintage cars Czech Hero Ride, which will take place at a number of attractive places in the Czech Republic. The emergence of the original project was initiated last year by CzechTourism.

"Project Hero Czech Ride was designed to create a prestigious international race series, which cut across different locations, contributes to the development of regional tourism and increases the attractiveness of veteran race not only for the audience but also for the participants," says Ing. Rostislav Vondruška, CEO of CzechTourism.

The pilot year of this unique project CzechTourism agency launched in 2013, three major events associated with traditional veteran racing: Grand Prix Bugatti, Ecce Homo Historic - Šternberk and Zbraslav - Jíloviště. The trail races conducted viewers historically interesting places and cultural monuments (eg Luhačovice, Bouzov Castle, Charles Fountain, Karlstejn Castle, Zoo Praha, etc.).

Races included in the project Czech Hero Ride accompanies motto Cars that have a story. "Individual plants have not always his main theme based on the story of one particular car and one historical or contemporary personalities. Specific vehicle and person are usually closely tied to the region in which the action takes place within the plant, "says Vondruška.

Home Events Czech Hero Ride 2014, which starts a series of nine year's rally of vintage cars will Telc Veteran revue. This time the bear in the rhythm of the swing. For spectators are not only veteran race car on the historic circuit "between the two gates," but also a number of side events at the local castle grounds Viniční Sadek and other points of interest along the route of the race.

For more information on individual races and the accompanying program here .

Source: tz

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