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The subsidy for public green is enormous interest: 191 requests

The Ministry of Environment and the State Environmental Fund as of March 31 ended accepting applications for grants for the development and promotion of public green spaces. Those interested should post this call for a total of 40 million. Interest in the post but exceeded the specified funds. On the SEF reached almost 191 applications for 67 million CZK. Applicants should implement their projects by the end of 2016.

"Since the new year we have seen an enormous interest in applicants from towns and villages for grants from national programs to improve the environment. This interest we are very pleased, because the development of public green and caring for it are indispensable for its healing, cleansing, but also an aesthetic feature especially important in larger cities. Trees are for urban greenery particularly important function is as the lungs of cities, contribute to cleaner air, shade, dampens noise from traffic, etc., "Says Director of Financial and voluntary instruments Tomáš Kažmierski.

"Since December 22, when we call to ministry announced, accepted the State Environmental Fund nearly 191 applications for 67 million crowns. Now with applications evaluate project proposals, then discussed by the Council Fund and ultimately be decided by a minister. Applicants should then implement their projects by the end of 2016, "says the Director of the SEF Petr Valdman.

Program support urban green spaces already MoE through the Fund invested a total of 210 million. The financial contribution is intended for projects to ensure the ecosystem functions of greenery in the city and municipal area, which ties in with other greens such as parks, gardens etc.

Priority projects will receive a grant of planting native species of trees, turf and measures to improve biodiversity. This includes eg. Building shelters for reptiles and small vertebrates, support nesting birds, increasing the number of sources of nectar for insects like. The financial contribution can be obtained on care plans Public greenery, including a breakdown of financing costs or evaluating the condition of trees with a proposal for their treatment.

Source: tz ME

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