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The big test revealed in tea for colds pesticides and toxic weed

The winter months are essential for human endurance test. The weather is unstable, low temperatures and means of transport and office full of people who already struggle with their viremia lost. Ways to deal with its symptoms are many, the most common types include while sipping tea for colds. Not all herbal blends but they have health beneficial effects, some of them can even be toxic.

"Cook had tea with lemon," says a doctor at bedtime legendary Max and Sally mum angina ochořelého Kropáčka. And it is no wonder that slurp at the first sign of impaired immunity hot tea invades every child. Reporter Jan Tuna therefore had an independent laboratory Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague twelve test products to see what actually contain herbal blends. The surprise was great! Results showed a few of them not only the presence of weeds, but also pesticides and mold it in such quantities that the State Agricultural and Food Inspection passed stimulus for their immediate withdrawal from the market.

The worst hit teabag brand Grandma Beauty titled Seven Herbs with Echinacea. "This tea imported from Poland had such a high award tropane alkaloids, namely atropine and scopolamine, which we have not seen. These are substances that get into the tea contamination with toxic herbs such as Durman and certainly should not be in it. Moreover, the mixture contains mold and pesticide residues, for example, the amount of herbicide in it four times higher than allowed by European legislation, "specifies the list of pollutants Professor John Hajšlová.

Flop has also become a pharmacy bought tea Cold & Flu from the manufacturer Aromatica CZ, Šlapanice. It contained ten pesticide residues, three of them several times exceeding the maximum permitted limits and the two that are close to these limits. "Such a cocktail of pesticides should never have come to market, because then it is a question of whether our schools are more colds, or is he," warns Hajšlová that is the only Czech winning prestigious awards Harvey W. Wiley Award granted to scientists for outstanding contribution to the development analytical methods.

Conversely, the bags, which can be hot water without worrying about watering, recommended potravinářští experts from the brands Jemča - Colds series of Herbal Tea Therapy and herbalist - For colds, which became the absolute winner of the test. How it withstand further reviewed products, you can look here .

Source: tz

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