From China to Hamburg for 28 days
The way your gift from Asia usually begins in one of the Chinese ports of Ningbo, Yantian, Kaohsiung Taiwanese or the largest port in the world in Shanghai. Container ship from there issued the 28 day expedition to the German port of Hamburg. "Ship on its way from China to Germany traveled over 10,000 kilometers around India through the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal, circumnavigating a large part of Europe and landed in the north in Hamburg, "describes the journey of water gift Eva Dekanová Geis of the trucking company that realizes both freight shipping from Asia to Europe. In addition, if a ship on its way stops at other ports, it can extend its route to more than 20,000 km. It is therefore a long and often difficult journey. In the Gulf of Aden ship even face the risk of attack by Somali pirates who operate in these waters.
Truck and train to store e-shop
After being unloaded in Hamburg travels further your gift for 4-7 days until stocks online retailer. In the Czech Republic travels overland transport-train tractor. The cost is must go through the proper duty, which is a matter of a few hours. If you do require an Internet marketer, provider transport the packaging, labeling or assembling goods. In case the e-shop also uses warehousing and distribution services suppliers, package remains in its warehouses to the end customer order.
During the night to a central depot
At a time when e-commerce website to confirm the order, prepare your Christmas gift for another tour of the highways and roads of our country. Before traveling merchant software generates mailing labels with bar code stickers which packages and readies them for shipment. "After the carrier assumes the package, the client sends e-mail or SMS notice with the number of shipments and the eventual amount of the cash. The website of the shipping company, the customer from now track where the package is currently located, "says Eva Dekanová of Geis also realizing parcel transport of e-shops. Out of Stock wanders package delivery or a truck along with other consignments for the driver picks up with clients on a specific route collecting lines to the nearest branch of the carrier. Here are all the ride shipments groups and travel during the night, a common method of all shipments to the central depot.
Delivery to your door
In the central transshipment takes place sorting office. This time is divided according to the direction you are heading. That night package then travels to delivering high-capacity vehicle branch. Here are unloaded packages are divided into wrecker route by postcode. From there, therefore your gift delivery goes directly to you. "On the day of our delivery drivers phoning the recipient of the package and specify a delivery date with him. The package is usually delivered next business day after pick up from the merchant, "said Eva Dekanová. On the way from the warehouse to the retailer while you have a package for each other, sometimes up to 600 miles. During the shortest variant of shipping and total traveled around 12,600 km on the road and spend nearly 40 days. "In the case that is a key business the shortest delivery time, we recommend to use air transport, "says Eva Dekanová.
Source: tz Lesenský.cz