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Janita elephant is pregnant!

Eleven elephant Janita by Prague Zoo in 2012 got together with a year younger Tamara from Sri Lanka, is pregnant. This was confirmed by analysis of blood samples.

The father of a baby elephant is expected bull Mekong that - provoked by the presence of another male - Janita in the summer a few times successfully mated. Birth of a baby elephant can be expected in late spring 2016.

"We look forward to another elephant in the Prague Zoo. The first born female, which, however, came to us already in the high stage of pregnancy. Janitin descendant of this could become the first truly absolutely Prague baby elephant. It would be another significant milestone in more than eighty-year history of our zoo, "says Director of Prague Zoo Miroslav Bobek.

Janita is currently in the first stage of pregnancy, female elephants at which lasts about 22 months. The expectation is for the first time. "U primagravidae elephant breeding success is only about half. Thus, we will experience a lot of tension and insecurity, "says curator breeding elephants Pavel Brandl.

Breeders first started noticing changes in behavior Janitině in September. They also seemed odd that the Janita - unlike Tamara - not interested newcomers male Ankhor. Then finally confirmed the pregnancy blood tests that revealed high levels of the hormone progesterone indicate pregnancy. Another symptom is enlarged mammary glands.

Janita was born on 17 October 2004 and her name means fruitful. Together with her half-sister Tamar in 2012 the Prague zoo donated after more than two years of diplomatic talks the Sri Lankan government. This information we have on our website in 2012 also brought.
"When we had brought back the military Hercules Sri Lanka, hoping we are just in the fact that with us these two young elephants become mothers. In the case of Janita this hope coming true, "adds the Prague Zoo director Miroslav Bobek.

Source: tz Zoo Praha

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