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Increasingly, Czechs are spending Christmas in Southeast Asia

Increasingly, Czechs are spending Christmas in Southeast Asia Escape from the Christmas rush outside, the sun's rays instead of winter morass, tempting cuisine or simply desire to explore exotic landscapes - all this can be the driving force behind the growing number of Czechs who Domestic Christmas trees changing scenery for destinations in Southeast Asia. On the growing interest in these countries responds stating extended range of publications from Lonely Planet publishers Svojtka & Co., licensee of the world-famous guides for the Czech Republic.

Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Maldives, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia - the most popular destinations in Southeast Asia, which annually from October to March attract tens of thousands of Czech tourists.
Travel is becoming an integral part of the lifestyle and the winter months are becoming tourist counterpart of the summer holidays. With growing interest not only of mainland Southeast Asia, but also the Malaysian archipelago also expands awareness of these exotic countries. And you its culture, nature and hospitality attract not only organized groups as well as individual travelers.

Hiking and exploring exotic landscapes over the past few years become an alternative experience of traditional Czech Christmas and New Year celebrations - Escape the hustle and worries preparations holidays seeks more inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Not only from the duties, but also cold weather and pošmournému, the Czech tourists trying to escape justice, towards Southeast Asia. This is confirmed by the words of the Director portal Josefa Trejbal: "From the number of tickets sold shows that tourists are at the end of autumn and winter are particularly interested in long-haul flights. Most often fly over the heat to Asia, is the most popular exotic Thailand. "This trend is confirmed by the statistics Václav Havel Airport Prague - the last winter season 2013/2014 year, the number of passengers heading to Thailand by 18%. The second most popular destination remains Vietnam and the third most visited Sri Lanka headed up by 31% more passengers. Top 5 complements Indonesia and the Maldives, an increase of 23% and 26%.

Although the information on the countries of Southeast Asia increasingly available and the influx of tourists willing to share their experiences are increasing, it is an exotic country in which it is appropriate to feel good with all eventualities - for example regarding travel, gastronomy or local (often religious) practices . "We wanted to tourists, travelers and adventurers to provide a mentor on the road, thanks to which they will be many possible scenarios prepared in advance. Alternatively, help them solve them in a place without having to search internet, "says Václav Svojtka, owner of the publishing house.

That even among domestic travelers increased demand for non-traditional targets in Southeast Asia, confirms Jan Pokorny - experienced guide to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and the portal "For example, in Vietnam, most of my clients are heading for the mountain tribes or in the demilitarized zone on the 17th parallel, "says Jan Pokorny, according to which this region is most attractive for Czechs from 30 to 70 years, and continues:" In general, however, goes to Southeast Asia for heat and sun, so it is the most inquiries at guide services in our winter season from November to March. "

Source: tz

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