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Icy Winter Olympics in Harp Gallery

Icy Winter Olympics in Harp Gallery In a few weeks they start in the Russian Sochi XXII. Winter Olympics. Many of us, this exciting sporting event like to visit, but unfortunately this desire remains for most trapped in the world of unfulfilled dreams. Olympic atmosphere but can get much closer ...

Let yourself be tempted to certainly interesting weekend trip to visit on the second weekend of February gallery's Harp. On Saturday and Sunday, the 8th and 9 February, there be already the third Festival of ice sculptures, this time with the theme "Winter Olympics". Refer to the ice kingdom and see for sure how the cold blocks under the hands of sculptors transformed into works of art. The program is suitable for the whole family, both days starting 14 hours!

Ice Sculpture Festival is the largest event of its kind organized in the Czech Republic and the roof of the shopping center Galerie Harfa will take place for the third time. The theme of the first year were portraits of prominent Czech and foreign policy, in 2013 the then visitors can see the animals in the zoo polar. Because 2014 is an Olympic year, the theme of the third year was a no-brainer. So you can enjoy the sculptures on the theme of the Winter Olympics. Maybe here you will meet with a portrait of Czech speed skater Martina Sáblíková, Czech biathletes successful or famous skier Sarka worry (formerly Záhrobská). Imagination has no limits and it's up to the artists to consult with the topic.

Ready is an accompanying program in the form of small competitions for children. Visitors can participate in the vote for the most beautiful statue, whose winner will be announced on Sunday afternoon. In addition to the exhibition of ice sculptures in the form of athletes, you can become an athlete for a while and you and the free ice rink PRE arena, where you and lend skates. Connect the weekend shopping with fun and definitely will not regret it! After the end of the festival the statues remain exposed on the roof of the shopping center until their icy beauty care at spring thaw.

More information can be found on .

Winter Olympics Harp Gallery

3rd Festival of ice sculptures
8th - 9th February 2014

Source: tz

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