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Humidifiers can help allergy sufferers, but also hurt

Do you suffer from "indoor allergies" to mold or dust mites? We will advise you on how to use the humidity in your favor.

Why humidity

The dry skin , chapped lips, unpleasantly dry mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses, leading to inflammation. With these problems we face if we are at home a low humidity. The problem is especially topical in the winter, but he avoided even in warm dry days. Buy a humidifier seems to be a cheap and effective solution. Optimal humidity - the percentage of water vapor - would, according to the experts' recommendations to be between 40 and 60%. Attention, Allergy however do not pay!

Mites and fungi

Humidifying the air can harm people suffering so. "Household allergies." One of the most common causes are mites which high humidity creates ideal conditions for life and reproduction. In the humidity around 60%, whether caused by a humidifier, or inadequate ventilation, so in our house these little marauders directly Lebed.

Mold, another widespread allergen , of course, in humid areas grow up in no time. The biggest, though well-hidden problem is mold but within the humidifier. Though it often enough not change filters, mold spores are scattered throughout the house or apartment, and are thus easy route to the mucous membranes allergies. It is similar with bacteria and anything else that is in the humidifier. If you want to get an idea of how quickly and easily these invisible enemies spread into the air, try to water, add a few drops of essential oils.

Hygrometer, best friend allergic

Finally, we bring you some tips on how to properly operate air humidity, so that allergy sufferers brought benefits rather than problems.
Get a hygrometer (hygrometer) and keep the humidity between 35-40%.
If you are using a humidifier, make sure the frequent and thorough cleaning according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Humidifier to always use distilled water. Minerals contained in tap water in the unit may create favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which then disperse into the air and can be a source of unpleasant infections.

Source: Pollen služ

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