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Gallery also helps children

Gallery also helps children Gallery Additionally, a unique virtual exhibition hall, created to support Czech Our Child Foundation, which for 22 years helps not only handicapped children.

The idea for the foundation of the gallery was born in the head of the Ostrava art photographer Lumíra Rolls. After connecting with the film director Eva Toulová, he gets the idea to reality.

Žemla followed his goal with the idea of not only helping the needy, but also with the idea of getting people between genuine art: "Imagine that you at home hanging on the wall of the original photo in addition to looking at her with the feeling that you've helped someone. Is not it beautiful? "He says about his intention Lumír Žemla.

The main objective Gallery obviously, charitable activity, but also an effort to show talented writers to the general public. Each author will be able to exhibit in the gallery for two months. And the only people that after a period of being able to explore new works, but also to contribute to charity. For his contribution, the photos presented to select one as a thank you. Photographs will be delivered contributors in print. The plan is among the most successful photographs to establish a permanent exhibition - Hall of Fame. For each of the exhibited photographs will be referred to the total amount that has been provided towards the project. Additionally, the gallery will also participate in various charity events of the Foundation, which will be an opportunity to contribute on the spot and immediately take the photo home.

"When I told Lumír about the project, I found it great that in mind it at all - will help the Foundation contributor will get an original photo and photographers again have the unique opportunity of promotion. It would be a shame to this great project nezrealizovat. "Said Eva Toulová director who oversaw the project executive produced.

And many other attractions await visitors to this web galleries, such as the regular edition of the newspaper gallery where people bimonthly learn more about exhibitors and also about how to manage the gallery. Another special feature will change the environment. Space will be the beginning of gray and according to contributions will be virtually flourish and change its visage. It must also be emphasized that all the activities of this gallery is purely leisure activity of all who work in the gallery. We wish, whether this unique project successful.

Gallery its operation officially launched March 12, 2016 in 15 hours, and the baptism in the Club Joe. Baptist were actress Barbara Mottlová, singer Jaro Smejkal and director of the Our Child Foundation, Zuzana Baudyšová.

Source: tz

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