"A complaint shall be made at each seller who sold you the goods, because he's responsible for his perfection. Seller by law to accept a claim in any of its store with the same assortment of goods sold. In the event that no such business premises, a complaint can be directed to the address of its registered office or place of business, "summarizes important information Luke Green, head of the legal department dtest.
Circle of places where you can go in for warranty repair, it can grow on service workplace producer goods. However, this must be stated in the certificate of warranty rights. Instructions seller's contact designated service you must obey if the service in place of the seller or you have it closer than the shop.
As well as selling and servicing is required to deal with complaints quickly, at the latest within the statutory thirty-day period. Keep in mind that the service department can demand only repair the defective goods. Not if the defect to delete, service will usually issue a certificate of irremovable defect to the seller. The right to exchange, discount or withdrawal of a request for refund of the purchase price you crave only for the seller. This also applies to compensation for the costs reasonably incurred, in connection with the claim arose, such as postage or travel.
People are often surprised when business change operator. Online store or shop stone can still look like when you buy goods there, they have the same range, even the name. This does not mean that the operator concerned e-shop or in the shop you can make a claim. It always depends on the person who is listed in the proof of purchase. Online shop can buy a commercial space to rent someone else. "If so, do not jump to conclusions that the seller ended up with the business and the warranty expired with him. According identification numbers, refer to its current address in public registers, "says Luke Green.
If the seller has entered into a business, they will tell you the address for complaints Trade Office. It is the seller's responsibility to this information at the closure of the report, as well as any amendment for four years.
Source: dTest.cz