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Fiber, patient fighter, not only with diabetes

Fiber is invaluable. It helps in the treatment of diabetes, maintains the shape of the intestine and also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Do you want to lose weight? After nothing else than to dig for food packed with fiber.

Scientists decided to find out how much fiber is needed to maintain good health. It is known that the majority of the population does not have enough in your diet that folder. The result of the research is as follows recommendations daily fiber intake for each age category:
Children over 16 and adults: 30 g;
Children 11 to 16 years: 25 g;
Children 5-11 years: 20 g,
Children 2-5 years: 15 g.

well hidden

Dietary fiber is a type of sugar that is found in foods of plant type. In the body it is not absorbed or not cleaved, but plays an important role in maintaining health. There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Most foods contain both types, but usually one type predominates.
Soluble fiber - a good source of oats, oat bran, flaxseed, barley, fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, soy and lentils.
Insoluble fiber - is found in foods such as whole wheat bread, bran, whole grains, nuts, seeds and peel some fruits and vegetables.

Crucial for diabetics

People with diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies indicate that a high intake of dietary fiber, particularly from cereals and wholemeal products may help reduce the risk of cardio-metabolic diseases (cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and obesity), and cancer of the large intestine . Higher consumption of oat bran also leads to lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. Fiber addition absorbs fluid and increases the volume of waste products. This makes stools softer and can more easily pass through the intestine.

Effect on weight

Foods with a higher content of soluble fiber have a special role in reducing blood cholesterol levels. Increasing fiber intake, you can better control their weight. Most of these foods has had a low glycemic index (GI), which can contribute to a smaller appetite and lower blood glucose levels. So by including fiber in your diet, it will not be so much "chasing sweet tooth."

How to supply fiber?

Consume at least 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
When shopping, look at the labels of the word "whole wheat."
Instead of white pasta or rice, choose the brown (wholemeal).
Eat beans, peas and lentils - you can eat treated separately or added to soups and salads.
Snídejte whole grain cereals and snack muesli with fruit yogurt.
Foods such as couscous and quinoa are also excellent sources of fiber.

Author of the article: Ing. Mgr. Hana Horakova
Source: U lékař

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