Although the eggs is said that a person should consume wisely, they are among the foods with nejvyváženějším content of nutritionally important substances, which also have high digestibility. They add to our body quality protein with great ability zasytit us.
Eggs and cholesterol
Maybe you remember the days when eggs were strictly criticized for higher levels of cholesterol in the yolk. Interest in Cholesterol dates from the late 50s when the US began extensive "proticholesterolová" campaign. Over time, however, was the attitude of cholesterol on the basis of a number of clinical studies reviewed.
"The latest research shows that healthy people with cholesterol levels have no problems and do not take an excessive amount of cholesterol from other foods they can consume daily without risk of 1-2 eggs," says Doc. Ing. Kamila Míková, PhD., University of Chemical Technology, Institute of Food and Nutrition analysis.
Eggs - a significant source of vitamins
Eggs contain almost all vitamins except vitamin C. The most represented vitamin E support the protection of cells from oxidative stress and pantothenic acid that our body participates in many reactions (eg. Support mental activity and reduce fatigue and exhaustion).
Important is riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is active in all cells in the energy producing process. Further contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on red blood cells and iron metabolism. It affects our quality of vision (especially night vision), and the quality of the skin and mucous membranes. The positive effects of these vitamins are dependent on the amount of their income.
Eggs are also a rich source of minerals. They include iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Moreover, it can be enriched with selenium, which boosts the immune system and helps protect cells from oxidative stress.
Choline - vitamin for good memory
So many controversial egg yolks are a rich source of choline. The bioactive agent contributes to the normal metabolism of lipids (fats) and maintenance of normal liver function. If you do not have enough, it may exhibit some diseases intervening nervous system (e.g. memory).
Lutein and zeaxanthin - antioxidants for eye health
Eating eggs will help in the prevention of eye diseases (in particular macular degeneration - the main cause of blindness in the elderly), thanks to the presence of these two substances - lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein protects our eyes, especially the retina. If you regularly consume foods with this antioxidant can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and degenerative diseases of the eye. Zeaxanthin in the eye helps to create a kind of a shield to protect it from harmful free radicals and frequencies of light (blue light component), which may cause damage to eyes.
Tells the label and shell
The codes on the packaging of eggs and their shell can not be combined. Each has a completely different function, thus providing different information. If, on the package we find a shortcut CZ, it means that the eggs were graded and packed in the Czech Republic, but it does not identify its origin. This code indicates only the identity of the packer / sorting plant where eggs graded and packed. It means that even this information is not possible to derive the country of origin of the eggs.
"Countries of origin of eggs can be found in compulsory producer code printed directly on the egg. The producer code that appears on the shell eggs, is also explained on the packing eggs - usually on the inside of the lid, "warns an expert.
How to read the code from the shell
Surely you've noticed the codes, which are located directly on the egg. What exactly do these figures mean? Let's take a concrete example - 1CZ7601 code.
The first number - here no. 1 - indicates the method the method of rearing laying hens.
1- eggs from hens free range
2 - egg laying hens bred in halls
3 - eggs from breeding hens in cages
0 - egg laying hens bred in organic farming (BIO)
The next two letters are an abbreviation for the country from which eggs actually come ( "CZ" - Czech Republic, "SK" - in Slovakia, "LV" - Latvia, "PL" - Poland, "DE" - Germany, "NL" - Netherlands "ES" - Spain, etc.). The numbers after the letters again indicate the registration numbers of breeding.
Egg vs. growth hormones and antibiotics
People are often afraid that meat, milk and eggs do not contain growth hormones or antibiotics from animals from which it originates. They imagine that these substances are given to laying hens for rapid growth and better then penetrate and lay eggs.
"The use of growth hormones in laying hens is legislatively prohibited and antibiotics is permitted only for medical reasons. When using antibiotics must then comply with the withdrawal period during which the residues of antibiotics degraded and excreted from the body. This period may not sell eggs from hens treated, "says Doc. Ing. Kamila Míková, PhD.
Why do some hens endure a lot of eggs? The reason is their breeding and administering of balanced feed mixtures.
Bio eggs vs. Eggs from caged hens
What are the differences between these types of eggs? In terms of composition almost none. Only cholesterol is lower for organic eggs, but comparatively low it has also eggs from caged hens when hens fed only cereals. Ecological or Organic farming is similar breed free range, only feed for laying hens must come from organically grown grain.
"Eggs from organic farming have a greater proportion of internal defects (spots of blood and meat) and dirtier shell. This poses a greater risk of microbial contamination and possible disease. However, from the viewpoint of chemical contamination of eggs from organic farms safer because laying hens are fed with fodder from organic farming, "continues Ms lecturer.
How to store eggs?
In the case of eggs it is important during storage - even before you buy - not to exceed the limit of 18 ° C, while making sure and unwavering commitment to the temperature of the environment in which the egg is located.
"After the purchase is recommended to keep the eggs in cold ambient temperature of 5-8 ° C. Furthermore, keep in mind to avoid exposing the eggs rapid changes in temperature at which condensation occurs shells and the possibility of mold. Eggs should never be exposed to direct sunlight, so do not buy eg. In a booth, where they are roasted in the sun. Eggs home store tip down, "says the expert.
And what you should not forget? That you can not wash before storing shell, because this will remove the protective cover that protects the eggs from the environment.
Mass of eggs
Eggs are like clothes sizing. Their markings are similar - "S" represent the smallest eggs, "XL" the greatest. In stores the most commonly encountered sizes "M" and "L". As it does with their weight?
XL - very large egg, weight of 73 grams
L - large egg weight of 63-73 g
M - medium-sized egg weight of 53-63 g
S - small egg weight less than 53 g
Mayonnaise - delicious appetizer
One of the most typical delicacies from egg yolk mayonnaise, cold emulsified flavored sauce. In addition to them is made from oil, vinegar and other condiments. According to the legislation must contain min. 50% min oil. 2% egg yolks. They must be sold only in closed airtight containers and stored at unwavering commitment ambient temperature range from 0 ° C to 15 ° C.
"The consistency of mayonnaise should be pasty and creamy - not always the same. Indeed derived from oil content. Its color is whitish to yellowish. Smell and taste slightly sour. Mayonnaise made by guild standards, sets itself apart by being without preservatives, colorings and flavors. At the same time meets the requirement for high oil content and a balanced flavor, "adds Doc. Míková.
Mustard - secret spicy egg spreads
Because Easter is coming - the "period of eggs," we can not forget to mention the mustard. I guess we all agree that without it would not be such an egg spread pizzazz. Let us then say a few words about the mustard.
The basic division of mustards on the whole, wholegrain and special (varies according to the type of technology or flavoring ingredients). The basic raw materials for production of water, mustard seed, vinegar, sugar and flavorings. Mustard seeds are divided according to color on the white, brown and black. Do not differ from each other only by color, but also the percentage of representation of oil and glucosinolates, which are responsible for the sting of mustard. Each type is suitable for different kind of mustards and other technological processing.
Consistency should be mustard mash with crushed or whole mustard seeds. Color yellow-brown or gray-brown, and at nepřibarvených mustards. Mustard causes gastrointestinal blood flow to accelerate the digestion and metabolism.
More interesting information can be found here .
Source: tz, edited,