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Did not they take you to the high? What to do?

Mature students who do not get to college often deal with the situation by going to work. Although it is mostly about bridging the year into other receivers, it is beneficial for them to taste real-time work.

If the graduates do not get to college, they have several options: to try the pupils at another school that lists the next rounds of admissions, go to Vocational Schools, add language skills, get employed, or start doing business. There is also retraining or registration at the Labor Office, but these are opportunities that the mature students use at least.

What do the maths who fail to get high do most? "According to our experience and surveys on student servers, these young people most often start work or travel abroad," says Zuzana Lincová ( "At the current over-the-counter labor market, companies are interested in fresh graduates, even though they often only want to bridle less than a year into other receivers. These young people are mostly looking for work on the Internet - on social networking sites. "

Years in other recipients will be used by most unsuccessful applicants (about 40%) for university studies to complement their language skills - whether at home or abroad. Almost a quarter of them go to work in the Czech Republic, only a few of them travel abroad for work. Approximately 15% then go to zero-year college or to preparatory courses.

Why is it beneficial for these young people to be included in the work process? Work experience helps them to better understand what they want in their lives, often decides to change the focus of further study. Although graduates most often take up positions of support, they get a sense of real "work" at work . Many forward-looking businesses also offer a variety of forms of support for those who plan to start up after graduation - whether it's a variety of scholarship programs, offering high-quality out-of-school education, or having a part-time job in the company.

"Future graduates are a group that is very interesting to employers. For students, especially college students, it is worthwhile already during their studies to map out what job opportunities they will have and possibly work with a future employer in practice and internships, "
says Zuzana Lincová. "The profession has traditionally helped graduates to orientate themselves in the labor market and to seek employment. Now, we will also facilitate the path to eventual study or practice abroad - this year's new edition of Profesia days will be a zone in which individual schools and universities will be presented directly to Czech students offering language courses, the possibility of studying at secondary and high schools, work Travel programs and purely working programs. Part of the zone will also offer advice on this area. "

Profession days: 25.-26. October 2017 at PVA EXPO Praha Letňany.

Source: tz, edited editorially

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