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Depletion of underground water has an impact on rising sea levels

Most groundwater is not used for drinking water or for industrial needs. The largest consumption of groundwater is responsible for irrigation of agricultural crops. About forty percent of all cultivated cereals grown through irrigation. The consequences of this is twofold. In some regions, there is an overload of underground water resources. Pumping groundwater affects sea level rise.

Agriculture consumes 90 percent of the total pumped groundwater. It is noteworthy in this context the findings of the German scientist Petra Doll. "From the measurements and models for pumping groundwater at the global level, we show that farmers in regions where there is a depletion of underground water resources, irrigation less. They use only 70 percent of the optimum amount of water, "says Petra Doll of the Department of Physical Geography at the Goethe University.

The increase in the use of groundwater for irrigation also has its share of rising sea levels. According to calculations by the German scientist contributed in the years 2000-2009 pumping underground water to raise sea level by 0.31 millimeters per year. It's probably a decimal share of the overall level rise.

Overall, the rate at which the world's underground water supplies drawn, long-term increases. During the first decade of this century, the consumption of underground water two times higher than it was in the years 1960 to 2000.

The countries with the highest rates of pumping groundwater include the United States, Iran, Saudi Arabia and China. Roughly 15 percent of the consumption of groundwater is not sustainable because it is a source of water, which themselves are not reset. Most these non-renewable groundwater resources draw on the Arabian Peninsula, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Mozambique and Mongolia. Current estimates of global consumption of groundwater in the years 2000 to 2009 is 113,000 million cubic meters per year.


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