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Burns syndrome can help overcome herbs and nature

You feel exhausted, you do not enjoy yourself, and wonder how you can do the next working day? Sometimes we all experience it. However, if you feel this way in the long run, stay away. Lack of rest, excess stress, and effort to handle it alone, best and fastest, is a direct path to burnout syndrome. He most often afflicts enthusiastic workhorses, from whom he makes depressive neurotics. Gentle way to overcome or avoid it altogether, offers natural medicine.

Loss of motivation, mental and physical exhaustion, frustration, feelings of mourning, or long-lasting states of mood. These are some of the most striking symptoms of burnout syndrome. It most often affects people whose work involves communication with people or care for others, but also high-ranking managers and managers. However, under certain conditions, anyone may be affected, regardless of profession, age or gender.

Burns are the result of imbalances, sleep and regular food are important
The burnout syndrome often meets those who would tear apart for others. While your work is fun and fulfilling, you should not forget about yourself. The key is the balance, especially in the area of ​​sleep and eating. Nothing is so important that you can not eat for the day. And the same thing is for night work, which should be part of your work assignment only exceptionally.

It is also important to learn how to get work done when leaving work behind his door. Soothe and so put off your head at bedtime can help herbs. "Among the herbs that improve sleep induction are the used medical trunk. The soothing effects are also bacon and lime or a mixture of St. John's wort, melons, mint and sage, " advises Jarmila Podhorna, the most famous Czech herbalist, from Naděje. "One of the causes of sleep problems can be stress-irritated digestive tract, which affects sleeping and the overall sleep pattern. In such a case, it is possible to help a thistle, marigold, schizandra or juniper hemoglobin, " adds Podhorná.

The psychic strengthens the clam or the devil's root

Stress and tension are to some extent a common part of our lives. Short-term stress is normal, the problem occurs when the stress is long-lasting and becomes chronic. Over time, he will begin to liquidate our mental and physical health. Often, we are very inconspicuous.

The fact that the stress has exceeded the tolerable limit, we know mostly in our body - frequent symptoms are back pain, restlessness and discomfort, migraine, hair loss or skin problems. For such symptoms, drugs often do not take long-term treatment and will help to get rid of the primary cause. "Resistance to stress helps reinforce the devil's root, or eleuterokok. It is an adaptogen that improves our immunity and calms the nervous system. The mental and physical balance induces the tincture of the willow, the St. John's wort, the limes, the limes and the bacon. These herbs release internal tension and contribute to psychological comfort, " explains herbalist Jarmila Podhorná.

Go to nature, but do not check your performance when you are active

In addition to selected herbs, it is also beneficial for people to enjoy the stay in nature. Regular walks in the fresh air improve health and stress resistance. One of Japanese research has even shown that movement in a green outdoors strengthens both the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

If you prefer active rest, try a few weeks in a day to work out at the gym during a forest or other fresh air exercise. This time, however, do not focus on performance and mileage, but on your own feelings, thoughts and nature around you. The desire for excellence in all aspects of life is one of the other paths to burnout syndrome. Too focused people, often instead of active rest, get their body and mind into further stress as they try to keep their personal records daily. And so it can easily become just another frustrating factor in the morning or evening run.

Source: tz, edited editorially

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