The time when sex was taboo, and most Czechs about it at all ashamed to speak, is long gone. Behind the broad and easily accessible information retrievable via the internet. The research revealed several interesting findings. In terms of frequency of sex can be up to 45% of Czechs affords a couple times a month. Sexually active individuals who indulge in sex more than four times a week, make up only 7%. Other areas of research has been the popularity of sex positions. "The most common sexual position that the Czechs practice, is the classic missionary position. Very popular is of course the position of the back and the hobby, "says Adam Durčák from a sex shop.
The survey, among other things focused on masturbation in a partnership. The results of the statistics show that 86% of men and 45% of women masturbate, even though he lives in a relationship. The men spend most autoerotic at a young age, women, later, around the 30th year of his life. Part of the area was also satisfying for how long women reach orgasm during masturbation and during sex.
"When masturbating women reach orgasm much earlier in approximately 3-5 minutes while having sex about 20 minutes," says Durčák that orgasm women are not as easily accessible as men, therefore it is necessary for a woman to lead your partner and showed him the technique, through which reaches orgasm. If sexual partners coexistence prevailing prejudices, stress, unresolved conflicts or partner psyche, very often it happens that the woman reaches orgasm and sometimes he pretends. This has admitted most of the women surveyed.
Source: tz, editorially modified