, social magazine

Anthology of Moravian folk music

Attempting to reflect the contemporary form of folk musicing in large and small Moravian folklore regions is a representative selection of bands and singers who make a significant contribution to preserving the authentic form of musical traditions of their region.

The individual parts of the compilation are complemented by a legend and a booklet with an outline of the musical history of a particular region, its most important musical bodies, musicians and singers. Each album is packed in a separate paper digipack with at least a 28-page booklet, and it is also possible to buy each album separately. A special package will contain all five digipacks in a box box.

The crucial criterion for selection was primarily the structure of the repertoire - if possible, local natives without the official musical training were given priority, who learned to sing and play in local bands, co-stars, friends and relatives.

Especially in Wallachia, Kopanice, Strany, Horňácko and in some areas of Dolňácko (in Uherskobrodsk, Uherskohradišťsko and Strážnicka) the continuity with the song tradition of the past, somewhere even before the last century, has been maintained; Not only are the numerous singer and musicians, but also many collectors of folk songs and local people, especially from the enlightened teachers, mayors or priests.

Many of the selected music are directly linked to their predecessors, others based on the post-war euphoria of folk ensembles, gradually refining their repertoire by reconstructing preserved regional musical materials; others have only recently emerged in places where the continuity of folk musician traditions has been broken and reconstructed from fragments.

Source: tz

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