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5 reasons to enjoy the holiday season before

With the upcoming summer days most of us begin to solve their vacation. Some crave the quiet pleasures of the sea, others attracted by exotic and adventure. Probably everyone wants but enjoy their scheduled time off without crowded beaches, long queues for the most popular attractions and pleasant environment.

It is these benefits may offer the choice of time before the main season. In addition to often large financial savings and greater peace and privacy is compared to traveling in high season a lot of other benefits.

First Better price tours and transport

One of the main advantages of pre-season holiday tours are lower prices and services. With the earlier selection of the family can now save a few hundreds of dollars. "When we decide to leave only need about two or three weeks before it begins a major holiday period, we can stay at significant savings. And up to thirty percent, "says Michal Tuma, marketing director of travel agency, leader of the Czech market for sale online tours." Also, shipping is typically more acceptable prices, whether you are traveling by plane or bus, "said Tuma.

Second Toll Free

If we go to relax and enjoy a free day in May or June, we can achieve better prices and by avoiding certain charges. The rent charged in this period should loungers and umbrellas on the beach. For example, the Greek coast for them in the peak summer months, we will pay up to 1,300 CZK per person per week. Much less is also a spa fee which must be paid in some destinations. In Croatia in June and July increased by up to half a euro per person per day. Are often preferable tickets to major cultural objects.

3rd Clean environment and fewer tourists

Very nice bonus travel before the main season is especially smaller number of visitors. Their holidays to enjoy the fullest, without crowded beaches and excessive tourism. Nepřeplněnost hotels and destinations we also greatly facilitate travel that is agile and without unnecessary queues and delays. Stay uniquely pleasant and clean environment. Most places had not yet polluted onslaught of tourists and the sea is much cleaner than when we travel in August or September.

4th Healthy holidays

On holiday we go partly because of recreation and relaxation. Travel in high season, however, this effect can easily frustrate hustle and packaging often takes place in the days hot and the roads or airports literally struggle with hundreds of other passengers. If we want to think about your health and well-being, our stay more pleasant and less pleasant but summer temperatures. Already in June, the European destinations are around comfortable 25 ° C, at remote locations, and around 30 ° C. The temperature also has an attractive sea. In such conditions we can both relax by the water and play sports or use the time to discover.

5th Quality and relaxed staff

An important part of comfort on the go are places where we stay. Hotels and apartments at the time of the first warm months are usually even before the season in the best condition. "In the winter and spring is the main task of reconstruction landlords accommodation sites and preparation for new customers. The first visitors to come and clean and nicely prepared environment, "says Michal Tuma of that offers a wide range of pre-season holidays around the world." Another advantage is the relaxed staff, which still is not tired and exhausted tourist onslaught. He and clients full focus, "says Tuma.

Source: Lesenský.cz

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